A photographer catalogs the victims of deindustrialization between 2012 and 2016. By William Meyers, December 23rd, 2017.
"The pristine small towns of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia—the spiffy villages of Colonial and Federal red-brick architecture and Victorian homes with gingerbread ornamentation—are not the ones Justin Kimball documented in “Elegy,” the exhibition of his work at the RISD Museum. His are the mill towns in those states in various degrees of decay. Mr. Kimball (b. 1961) visited these victims of deindustrialization between 2012 and 2016. The individual towns are not identified; instead, just the names of the streets on which the nine pictures were taken are used as titles suggesting the generic nature of their problems. And the individual pictures are not dated, suggesting the continuing nature of those problems."